Saturday, May 24, 2008

A Commentary on the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ by Sr. Kathleen Yeadon, OSB

Gospel of John 6:51-58 Feast of Corpus Christi

At each Eucharist, Jesus invites us to eternal life. In the remembering of Jesus’ final meal with the twelve,
God receives us, heals us and sends us out to be bread for the world. It is a great mystery of our faith--how the breaking of a loaf can unite and heal each person who comes to the table.

Our yearning to live; Our desire for communion; Our longing for purpose -- meet in God’s incredible gift of divine love---poured out.

The gift of the Eucharist reminds us that in dying we live, in giving we have abundance and in receiving we are united.
The incredible gift of the Eucharist is that God invites us to the life of the Trinity. We are given life so that others will receive life. God wants us to share in the divine life of welcoming, healing, and of feeding others.

Precious body, precious blood.
Here in bread and wine:
Here the Lord prepares the feast divine.
Bread of love is broken now. Cup of life is poured. Come share the super of the Lord. 
(Song: The Supper of the Lord)

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