Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sr. Maureen Therese's Favorite Quote from the Rule of St. Benedict

Chapter 31 verse 12 “…do everything with moderation…”

Doing everything with moderation reminds me to work on balancing my day. Making sure I take quality time for prayer both personal and communal in addition to getting enough sleep, eating properly, exercising, etc will keep me in balance. Too much of anything is not good and Benedict is reminding us to keep things in good order and to find the balance.

This is not an easy task and one that I work on constantly. When I am aware of an area out of balance I work on getting things back under control so that my life can flow better.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Happy New Year!!! I have been trying to get a hold of Sister Maureen to see if she would like to help on our Ladies Retreat at Graymoor.

    My # is 917846-0440, my name is Mary Ann

