Saturday, March 14, 2009

A Commentary for the 3rd Sunday of Lent by Sr. Kathleen Yeadon, OSB

“Zeal for your house will consume me.” 
John 2: 17 (Psalm 69:9)

The quote is from Psalm 69 and it is changed to the future in John’s Gospel to tell us the ardent love that Jesus will display for all humanity. Each of us, in the vows we have taken, have promised the same—we want our love for God to consume us.

I find myself back in last week’s Gospel on Mount Tabor during the Transfiguration, filled with awe and bewilderment! How can I let my zeal for God consume me? I seem to be like a dam or lock system that only lets out so much zeal. This is good for today and then shut down.

The voice from the mountaintop calls out: “Listen”.
Benedict’s voice adds “. . . and attend with the ear of your heart.”

For God’s love to consume us, we have to have a willing heart ready to listen.

Is there anything cluttering up my heart? Your heart? Our heart?

Please God, cleanse our temples so we can rest with You and be consumed for You!

1 comment:

  1. Kathleen,
    I always look forward to your commentaries. They are always meaningful and helpful to my spiritual journey.
