Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sr. Mildred's Favorite Benedictine Quote

In this post Sr. Mildred shares her favorite Benedictine quote, "The love of Christ must come before all else" and how it has related to her entire Monastic life.

60+ years in the Monastic life I find myself thinking more often of the place Christ takes in my life. There have been many challenges as well as many blessings in my years. But it seems that always I am reminded that Christ is the Center of whatever I do. If it is teaching in the classroom, it is His message I bring. Working with people in Formation I felt I needed to let them know the importance of Christ in their lives. Leadership showed loud and clear that He and I had to be partners. Parish work was simply working as His messenger. Now that I am retired I have more time to think of Christ in my daily life. My values have narrowed and I can honestly say they focus on what Christ wants. Really nothing else matters. I know that, not too long in the future, I will finally meet Christ face to face and my greatest joy will be that He is no stranger to me. For all eternity I will enjoy knowing more of His relationship in the Trinity and being a part of that mystery. St. Benedict has much in his Rule about Christ for each of us and this statement seems to sum it up:

"The love of Christ must come before all else."

1 comment:

  1. Dear Sister Nicolette,
    Thank you for the recent postings. I find them to be very encouraging.
