Monday, February 23, 2009

The “Little Way” of Therese of Lisieux

Sr. Kathy Smolik, OSB will periodically post teachings of St. Therese. This is her first post.

A Way of Love:
“'Here is the teacher whom I am giving you; he will teach you everything that you must do. I want to make you read in the book of life, wherein is contained the science of LOVE.’ (St. Margaret Mary) The science of Love, ah, yes, this word resounds sweetly in the ear of my soul, and I desire only this science. Having given all my riches for it, I esteem it as having given nothing as did the bride in the sacred Canticles. I understand so well that it is only love that makes us acceptable to God, that this love is the only good I ambition. Jesus deigned to show me the road that leads to this Divine Furnace, and this road is the surrender of the little child who sleeps without fear in its Father’s arms. ‘Whoever is a little one, let him come to me.’” Therese of Lisieux

These words of Therese come from “Manuscript B” of Story of a Soul, her autobiography. This manuscript is her masterpiece and gift to us as we learn her “Little Way.”

What was Therese about? What is she trying to teach us? Therese discovered that the only thing to live for and by is LOVE. Everything she teaches is for our instruction on how to love.

Start where you are. Great deeds are not necessary. Her way is a “little way.” Small acts of kindness are done with great love and attention to Jesus, our Beloved. Therese once exclaimed, “To pick up a pin with love can save a soul…what a mystery!”

Whoever you are, and whatever your circumstances in life, begin now. God’s Mercy is greater than His Judgment. He is waiting for you to return to Him by love, and Therese will teach you how to do this.

Jesus is our real Teacher on this path. However, we often need help along the way when we can’t see. Sometimes God sends people to help us. We can also pray to Therese to teach us how to be a “little child” who abandons herself to God. Pray to her, ask her for help and intercession to Jesus, and she will teach you the “little way.”

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