Monday, June 18, 2012

Operation Lourdes Day Five

It has been in the low 60s with a fine mist of rain most of the day. While it might sound less than ideal, the weather has actually accentuated the prayerful spirit of this holy place. In stark contrast to yesterday's deafening roar from the 800 or so motorcycles in the Grotto's annual motorcycle procession, the streets are relatively quiet. Most striking, however, is the still constant flow of pilgrims to the cave of Massabielle.

Words can't describe the emotion at the Grotto...seeing a wedding party enter the Grotto for a blessing on their marriage...young parents presenting their babies for Mary's blessing...older parents lovingly rubbing water from the cave on the face of their adult disabled child...and "malades" lifted from wheelchairs and carried into the Grotto to touch the walls of the cave and helped to make the sign of the cross before the statue of Mary. Rain does not deter such as these.

It's impossible not to be moved by the obvious love and devotion always on display at the Grotto. The rain does not interfere with the rosary which is recited everyday at 3:30. Old women and men can still be found on their knees, others in wheelchairs or even stretchers. And it does nothing to dampen the ever-present sense of peace and joy.

For us, it has been a perfect day to add our prayer to theirs. We have remembered each of you in prayer and are so grateful for the opportunity to serve as your emissaries before the Blessed Mother. Thanks to modern technology, even though I'm in a foreign country, I am thrilled to still be receiving prayer requests from so many friends and family and some I haven't heard from in years. And if the faith of these humble people is any indicator, I know that she is listening!


  1. I'm overwhelmed with emotion just reading about your day! I can't imagine what is was like to experience this in person!! <3

  2. Nicolette, I so agree with Angie's comments. Just reading your comments are enough to bring tears to a person's eyes. You are so deserving of this experience.

  3. Dear Sister Nicolette,
    Thank you for speaking from your heart as you so eloquently put into words what you are seeing, hearing, and feeling. Really, motorcycles!!!That's my kind of procession!
    Take Care,
