Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Jesus' February Message

Dearest apostles, I am here, waiting to listen to your pleas. I hear your hearts as they groan in the loneliness of serving heaven when around you others do not serve heaven. You serve alongside those who either live according to the standards of the world or live serving out a call that is different from yours. Truly, I know that there are times when you wonder why I have placed you where I have placed you. I hope, dear apostles, that these times are brief. I hope that you will spend less time wondering why you are serving in a given role and more time wondering how to serve more completely in the role given to you. You see, comparisons to others will never bear fruit. You are unique. The work I have for you is unique and you must beware of the habit of dragging your vocation behind you as though it were something so heavy that it destroyed your joy. This is not how an apostle lives out a vocation. An apostle views his vocation as a prism through which opportunities for holiness and joy splash out in countless beautiful and varied ways. Truly, others should view you and your vocation as inseparable. You should become your vocation. Oh dear apostles, I know that you carry crosses associated with your holy vocations, but do you not see that these crosses, carried with dignity, illustrate My presence in your life and indeed in the world more than anything else? In every circumstance, I bless you and receive you into My heart where you find the direction and reassurance you require. In every moment there is grace available for you and for others through you. The more grace I flow through you, the more the world is blessed and the more you are sanctified. Move toward Me, closer and closer in your hearts and in your actions and, truly, the world will find the love it craves. Look at how God’s children drink in kindness, as though they were parched for want of it. Yes, you are sacrificing in order to answer My call but the plan is working and the world is being renewed through the efforts of all men of good will. Rejoice then, despite your cross. We are advancing the one righteous cause, that is, the cause of love.


  1. Dear Sister Nicolette,
    Thank you for posting the February Message today. There is always some phrase that causes me to think and wonder.

  2. I love all you say and do. Thank you for sharing your gift with all of us!

  3. "I hope that you will spend less time wondering why you are serving in a given role and more time wondering how to serve more completely in the role given to you."
    This quote also reminded me of another from one of Fr. Dan Atkins homilies..."Don't pray to know Gods will for Us, rather pray God holds our hand a leads us where he wants us to go"

    Thank you for this beautiful reminder of how I am to live out my vocation as mother, wife, and apostle of Jesus Christ! Thank you for allowing Jesus to work through you!!
