Tuesday, October 26, 2010

8th Graders Continue to Serve at the Cathedral Soup Kitchen

Serving at the Cathedral Kitchen was really a great experience. I felt a variety of feelings and emotions. My mind was swirling with ideas. I felt that I was really helping these people who couldn’t live their lives otherwise. I feel that I can contribute more to the well being of society. I also felt that people can come together putting aside their differences and backgrounds and support each other. People who have never seen each other were able to come together and serve the needs of others. It really is a testament to the power of the human spirit. There were a few disputes, though, but they were easily resolved. Serving at the soup kitchen helped me realize that there are people in much worse situations than my own. As bad as I may feel sometimes, I have to remember that there are those who are even worse, just barely squeaking by. It really was an experience that I will never forget.
(Oscar T.)

When we first arrived at the soup kitchen I saw a guy sleeping at the door. We entered the building and went to where we were going to serve the food. I noticed a lot of cheese, cereal and sugar. When the people came in the room to eat, most of them headed toward the soup. Many were thirsty and drank several cups of Kool-Aid. They ate cereal with what looked like a mountain of sugar on top. Three huge pots of soup were gone in no time at all. I heard a few words from those we served. It felt really good to help others in need.
(Derek S.)

The soup kitchen was an eye opening experience for me. I got to serve with my classmates, Derek, Oscar and Elliott. Mrs. May and Mrs. Buckley both drove to the soup kitchen. I rode with Elliott and Mrs. May. When we arrived at the soup kitchen we found a guy asleep next to the door. We had to wake him up so Elliott could get through in his wheelchair. Derek and I served the Kool-Aid, while Elliott, Mrs. May and Oscar served the salad. I was impressed with how well manned everyone was.
(Austin L.)

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