Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A Vocation Essay by Emily P. 8th Grade

Jesus said to Peter and his brother Andrew, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” This is the way in which Jesus called the brothers to lead them into the new faith. In the same way priests, deacons and religious brothers and sisters by their life and ministry, invite others to come and see Christ and discover their own vocation.

One way in which priests, deacons, and religious brothers and sisters can invite people to share in the faith is by and through their ministry. They can preach to the people about the importance of Christ in their life and the importance of finding their own vocation. Just by simply spreading God’s words, they are calling some people to be brought into the faith.

Priests, deacons, and religious brothers and sisters set a good example for us on how to live out a vocation, because they are living theirs each and every day. If the religious’ love of God is strong enough, people are able to see God acting through them. This recognition can be spiritually influential and can lead to someone’s conversion. People see the religious and see how they live. Some people discover that this is the way they want to live. Their examples help lead people to Christ and discover their vocation in life.

The priests, deacons, and religious brothers and sisters touch people’s hearts each and every day by performing acts of kindness. Their selfless love of others inspires people to become more like them. The light of Christ shines through them every time they perform an act of kindness. People see what they do and begin to find Christ in the world around them. All that had to be done was for someone to demonstrate, maybe even in subtle ways, how much Christ loves them.
Just like He did with Peter and Andrew God is calling all of his faithful to spread His word and grow His people in faith. We can all be fishers of men. We need to support and pray for vocations to continue. We need to be open to accepting our own vocations, whether it is with a religious order or as a lay person. It is our faithful responsibility to can go forth from our homes and spread the Good News throughout the world.

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