Wednesday, January 13, 2010

We Pray the Rosary

My 8th graders were inspired by a short video on You Tube that promotes praying the Rosary. We designed our own shirts in Religion class yesterday and wore them to school today. Mary Ann Wyand, a senior reporter for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis' Catholic Newspaper, the Criterion, interviewed my class today on their experience of praying the Rosary. The article was printed in the Catholic School's Week edition of the Criterion. Please enjoy a few pictures of my students proudly wearing their shirts!


  1. May God bless all of your students!
    What wonderful photos and T-shirts!

    Do you suppose that your students would like to sign up online at a very cool, brand new national website to pray the rosary for their bishop (and any other U.S. bishop)?

    The "Rosary for the Bishop" campaign also has a facebook group ( and twitter ( available. How cool is that?!

    See details at
    There is more information there, plus a press release for Jan 1, the solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, when the Rosary for the Bishop website went national.

    Thanks, Sister for doing such a great job with the young people!

    May God bless all of you richly!

  2. These shirts were a lot of fun to make. they all were really good.

    Elizabeth G

  3. I loved this post! What a bunch of amazing t-shirts and a wonderful message to others! Hope everything is going well at HNS. God's Blessings, Sooz
