Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Vocation Essay

How do priest, deacons, and religious brothers and sisters help us hear God’s call our lives? All people have different ways of helping people hear God’s call.

How do religious brothers and sisters help us hear God’s call? At our school we have a religious sister, Sister Nicolette. She teaches our religion class. She helps us hear God’s call by teaching our class about God, Jesus, and our religion. Religious brothers and sisters also help by going to churches and schools and give speeches about God. They also help us hear God’s call by spreading the word of God.

How do priest help us hear God’s call? At Holy Name our priest name is Father Stan Pondo. Our other priest is Father Jenkins. They both help us hear God’s call by preaching at church through their homilies. They also help us hear God’s call through the Sacraments of Holy Eucharist, Baptism, Confirmation, Anointing of the Sick and Marriage. They also help by forgiving us of our sins through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

How do deacons help us hear God’s call? The word deacon means servant, waiting man, minister, or messenger. Deacons can help us hear God’s call through helping Ministry of Charity, Ministry of the World, and Ministry of Liturgy.

Bishops can help us hear God’s call. Bishop means overseer, superintendent, supervisor, the first, but most of all leader or foreman. Bishops can help you hear God’s call by charity, which is service of the community, by proclaiming the Gospel.

Many of the people are Priest, deacons, bishops, and religious brothers and sisters can help in many different ways but, they dedicate 100% of they’re lives to the church. They all help us hear the word of God.

Brianna S. 7th Grade

1 comment:

  1. Dear Sister Nicolette,
    I love reading your students' essays. Thanks for posting them.
