Thursday, April 9, 2009

Holy Thursday

This morning as I was doing my Lectio Divina I came across this quote from Blessed Teresa of Calcutta. I'm sure during these days of the Triduum I will reflect on her words often.

Into each of our lives Jesus comes as the bread of be eaten, to be consumed by us. Then He comes as the hungry one, the other, hoping to be fed with the bread of OUR life, our hearts loving, and our hands serving.

today's Psalm the question is, "How shall I make a return to the Lord for all the good He has done for me?"

I can begin by sharing all that my sweet God has given me. You are in my prayers as we spend these days preparing for the greatest feast ever!


  1. What a beautiful quote for Holy Thursday. It has given me food for thought, prayer and action. Thank you for posting it.

    I never stop learning from Mother Teresa!

    I pray that you will have a blessed Easter, Sr. Nicolette!


  2. Beautiful Quote for Holy Thursday.. I posted it in my Facebook.. Because its nice quote for holy thursday :)

    God Bless You!!!

