Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sr. Mary Cecile's Favorite Quote from the Rule of St. Benedict

"Let them prefer nothing whatever to Christ and may He bring us all
together to everlasting life."
Chapter 72:11

This is my favorite quote because my love for Jesus and the intimate relationship I have with him motivates me to do all the other things that Benedict, the sound Spiritual Director, counsels me to do. I am to prefer nothing to the "Work of God", which is the Liturgy of the Hours, but includes a total life of prayer. Surely, it includes at least a half hour each day in "Lectio Divina" a form of meditation where I read a Scripture passage, reflect on it, talk to God about my life as it relates to the passage and then listen intently to what God’s Spirit is saying to me in the passage. Finally I end in total silence in God's presence so I can hear what God is trying to say to me. When Benedict says, "Christ will bring us all together to everlasting life,” he tells me my Benedictine life has a strong community emphasis. Every day I pray that God will use me in any way He wishes to bring others, those I live and work with, and our whole country and world back to placing God in first place in their life and keeping God's commandments. That's why my Benedictine life is a happy life. My ministry as a Pastoral Associate /Director of Faith Formation hires me to spend my whole day praying with others or alone or ministering either one-to-one to all kinds of person; sharing in different kinds of discussion groups; teaching children, teens, or adults about God's love and plan for their life; visiting the sick and dying; or listening and supporting those who carry a heavy cross. But always reminding each that God said to them in the Epistle to the Hebrews, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you on your life-time journey to everlasting life, heaven.” And, surely another "best" for me is being taught, loved, and helped by others to everlasting life myself where I will meet face to face the One I have tried to prefer before everything else.

Sr. Mary Cecile is now enjoying life everlasting. She met God face to face on Sunday, February 1, 2009. May she enjoy her heavenly home.


  1. Oh thats so sad and touching. May she be with God in Heaven.

  2. i am really sorry. just think she is in a better place.

  3. at least she is with God

  4. I find it really sad but I think she will do alot better since she is in a better place. Take care I'm thinking about you and your sisters.

    Your student,
    Joseph F.

  5. I wish her the best. I hope she is so happy that she is with God up in heaven.God bless her!


  6. Dear Sister Nicolette,
    Thanks for sharing Sr. Mary Cecile's "spirit" with us.
    Take Care,

  7. Sister Mary Cecile brought me back to my faith through our Lord. I will forever be thankful for her and the time that was shared.
