Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Sr. Jeanne Voges' Vocation Story

Life began in Tell City, Indiana, while the country and my parents, Hubert and Agnes Voges, still reeled from the “great depression.” I attended the academy at Ferdinand and then entered the monastery, then known as Convent of the Immaculate Conception, in 1949. I made first vows in 1951. When we moved to Beech Grove, I was a volunteer among the 130 sisters who pioneered this new monastery.

Many children formed the focus of my life the next 13 years as I taught first through eighth grades, and then was promoted to high school with English as my major interest.
Ten years at our OLG academy, during which I had four years at the Latin School in Indianapolis, then nine years on the staff at the monastery OLG doing guest ministry, housekeeping, editing our magazine Encounter.

Parish work at Clarksville preceded my two years in Cali, Colombia and three years in dietary management at St. Paul Hermitage nursing home. Presently I am in my fifteenth year enjoying St. John the Baptist Parish as Pastoral Associate here in Newburgh, Indiana.

St. Benedict’s admonition to care for the sick makes my work an act of obedience and compassion. Visiting the sick and shut-ins is my strongest obligation. Further duties include: co-edit parish newsletter, FrameWorks, work with St. Vincent de Paul Society, monitor Sharing Fund, support Mature Adults, assist with Penance Services, attend wakes and funerals, keep track of church supplies. On the diocesan level I serve on the Vocation Team. I have helped form Wisdom Committee which arranges days of relaxation and spiritual nourishment for the elderly. I attend Parish Council meetings and perform other services around the parish. So I am ready to serve here many more years if God gives me good health and a willing spirit.

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