Jesus wastes no time in asking the two disciples who are following him: “What are you looking for?” What a challenging question! I am surprised the two didn’t run away. The two disciples ask: “Where are you staying?” Jesus gives the grand welcome: “Come and see.”
After reading this passage, you immediately have to take a deep breath and remember the time where your heart sought out God and you knew the truth—God was seeking you too! The sheer joy to know God’s presence in your heart! You have to tell someone—just like Andrew ran and found Peter.
This question of Jesus: “What are you looking for?” occurs in my life over and over each time I come to Chapel, each Adoration, each Liturgy and each retreat. “What are you looking for?” God wants to be found and we both enjoy the pursuit.
Seeking God in everyone and everything is not an easy mission statement. We need the vowed life and the wisdom of the Holy Rule to keep us on the quest. Jesus’ invitation of “Come and See” is the gift of abiding in the Sacred Scriptures, Liturgy of the Hours and celebrating the Sacraments. Jesus’ invitation is the mystery of dwelling with others in the common life of prayer, work and hospitality.
The final joy of this Gospel passage—is we are expected to bring someone back to meet Jesus!
After reading this passage, you immediately have to take a deep breath and remember the time where your heart sought out God and you knew the truth—God was seeking you too! The sheer joy to know God’s presence in your heart! You have to tell someone—just like Andrew ran and found Peter.
This question of Jesus: “What are you looking for?” occurs in my life over and over each time I come to Chapel, each Adoration, each Liturgy and each retreat. “What are you looking for?” God wants to be found and we both enjoy the pursuit.
Seeking God in everyone and everything is not an easy mission statement. We need the vowed life and the wisdom of the Holy Rule to keep us on the quest. Jesus’ invitation of “Come and See” is the gift of abiding in the Sacred Scriptures, Liturgy of the Hours and celebrating the Sacraments. Jesus’ invitation is the mystery of dwelling with others in the common life of prayer, work and hospitality.
The final joy of this Gospel passage—is we are expected to bring someone back to meet Jesus!
the water looks real. =)