Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Middle School Students' Haikus for the 3rd Week of Advent

Isaiah had said,

Make straight the way of the Lord,

I will baptize you.

(Maddie - 8th Grade)

I'm not the prophet,

He is coming after me,

Why do you Baptize?

(Megan - 8th Grade)

He who comes, not me,

Is whose sandal is still tied,

More worthy than mine.

(Josh - 8th Grade)

John was sent from God,

Make straight the way of the Lord,

Disciples followed.

(Brandon - 8th Grade)

John is the Baptist,

Was born in Judea and,

Baptized Jesus Christ.

(Tommy - 8th Grade)

A man named John was,

Sent from God to say to us,

Make straight the Lord's Way.

(Bobby - 8th Grade)

Jesus is coming,

Make straight the way of the Lord,

Go now and rejoice.

(John - 8th Grade)

Voice of one crying,

Make straight the way of the Lord,

Are you the prophet?

(Joseph - 8th Grade)

Are you the prophet?

No, I am not the prophet,

I am not worthy.

(Chris - 8th Grade)

"Who are you?" they asked.

My name is John the Baptist.

Why do you Baptize?

Are you a prophet?

No, I am the voice of God.

Make straight the way, please.

(Taylor - 7th Grade)

Oh John the Baptist,

Make straight the way of the Lord,

For He is the light.

(Kristen N. 7th Grade)

The light is not I,

I prepare for the true light,

The light is coming.

(Kristen S. 7th Grade)

I am the one voice,

Crying out in the desert,

Make the way for God.

(Samantha - 7th Grade)

John was a great man,

He has spread the word of God,

To open the path.

(Ben #3 - 7th Grade)

John was sent from God,

Make straight the way of the Lord,

I am not wothy.

The words that he said,

I am the voice of the Lord,

John was baptizing.

(Mitchell - 6th Grade)

I am not the Christ,

I am the Baptist you love,

I was sent from God.

(Alexa - 6th Grade)

People questioned John,

He did not care at all though,

He did it for God.

(Matthew - 6th Grade)

Prepare ye the way,

To testify to the light,

I am not worthy.

(Elliott - 6th Grade)

I am not the Christ,

But I'm preparing for Christ,

So, straighten the path.

(Jaylen - 6th Grade)


  1. Sister, it's anjelina :) I just wanted to tell you how much I love your blog! I love reading the things that the students wrote. I sure miss those days. I don't think that any of us last year really saw the point in learning or school. I just wanted to thank you for everything that you have done for every single one of us. :-).

    Lots of love!!!

    So that in all things... God may be glorified! :)

  2. The Light truly came and He continues to live in you and your students! Thank you for making HNS a beacon of hope and a place where all are called to know, love, and serve God.
