Saturday, November 1, 2008

Jesus' November Message

Each month, Anne, a lay apostle, receives a message from Jesus. This is the message for November. To read more about the locutions Anne receives from Jesus and His Blessed Mother click on this link: Direction For Our Times

Dear apostles, are you aware of My presence? Do you understand how I remain with you in each moment? Sometimes you suffer and in your suffering you feel abandoned. This is merely a feeling that I allow for you so that you can share even that part of My Passion with Me. I could never abandon you and I do not abandon you. I remain with you, consoling you and guiding you. If you are suffering, My friend, you can be sure that I am aware of your suffering and that I am providing you with special graces to cope with your cross. In the same way that I remain with each beloved apostle, I remain with the whole world. I, Jesus, love every person ever created by the Father. I seek goodness and peace for every man and woman on earth. I am looking out for the heavenly interests of all of God's children. You, My dear ones, possess an earthly view that is limited. I understand that your view is limited because I understand everything about you. At this time I would like you, My beloved apostles, to also accept that your view is limited. In seeking the good of all of God's children, I must allow changes to come which will impact all of God's children. I do this to bring about the goodness and peace I refer to but the change will be gradual in terms of the benefits to come. Trust Me in everything. I do not abandon even one of God's children and My beloved apostles who give Me constant friendship and loyalty will be united with Me in everything. Be at peace, dear children. I am with you.


  1. Dear Sister Nicolette,
    Thank you for posting the words of Ann. Her last sentence is very meaningful.
    I like your new more PINK shirt!

  2. I love these messages. It gives me answers to things that I rarely think about. All the things that I think about God are confirmed by these messages.

    Chirs B.

  3. It is great to know that Jesus is always with us. Also God dominates life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  4. At of all the Messages (not saying any of them are better than any other Message from Jesus) this one has the most meaning to me. Mostly because I feel sometimes I am abandoned but I relize now Jesus just wants us to feel this emotion to gelp us experience His Passion.

    Robert M.

  5. I really liked the November message. It lets me know how much God loves me, and that he is always right there with me every step of the way. It also makes me think about how God understands children more then anyone, and that he knows how important some things are to us that adults may not find all that important. God loves us no matter what, and that message really shows it!
    from, Maddie L.

  6. God really does love each and everyone of us. So no matter how hard times can get we should always stay strong and trust that God will bring us to better times.

    Wyatt Bowles

  7. These are really beautiful . I love the Picture with the Message. It's Beautiful.....
    -Maressa H.

  8. I love all the messages that we listen to can wait to hear more about God.

    p.s God Is The Best!! He Is Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. i think the picture goes well with the message . this message is pretty awesomeee!!! ;)

    shelby c.

  10. These messages are really nice to listen to when you need answers. I wonder what it would be like to be the one getting these messages, or messages like these.

    Megan P.

  11. i think these messages were great it is so helpful when you need answers
