Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Favorite Quotes from Volume One Part One

I promised in a previous post that I would periodically  share with you my favorite quotes from "Anne's" Volumes and writings.  Anne is a Lay Apostle who writes messages she receives from Jesus and the Blessed Mother.  To read more about Anne's work you can go to:  Direction For Our Times
The following quotes were taken from Anne's book, Volume One,  Thoughts on Spirituality. 

I did not come to you because you were worthy.  I won't leave you because you are not.  (p. 3)

Be joyful.  I will never leave you.  Be on my side, the side of peace.  (p. 4)

Jesus' message on smoking, Would you blow smoke into this tabernacle?  I am with you, inside of you.  You carry Me with you.  Do not smoke.  (p. 7)

Yes, this is Our goal:  that the souls of your brothers and sisters not be lost.  (p. 17)

Stop swearing.  It profanes Me.  I am with you.  I walk down every street with you.  I go into every shop with you.  When you speak, I speak with you.  You must not use vile language.  It brings weakness upon you, and makes it difficult for you to serve me.  
(p. 28)

You are right.  You are powerless.  Without Me, you can do nothing.  But with Me, you can do anything.  (p.33)

The messages are clear and easy to comprehend.  I pray for strength and wisdom to know how to fully live the life God has called me to.  I strive to walk in a manner worthy of my calling.  I rest assured that I do not make the journey alone. God is ALWAYS with me and God will never leave me.  If you are reading this entry I know that you, too, are on the journey toward the heart of God.


  1. i love this is so cool.

  2. that is cool


  3. i wish everyone could see this place.

  4. Sister Nicolette,
    The quotations are amazing and very helpful.

  5. Oh. how I love you and this book. Thank you for sharing your favorite qoutations with the world. I may put some of my favorite qoutes on my blog soonish.
